Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Startmeup2 - Review

Startmeup2 Review

Startmeup2 is a relatively small single-use battery booster to help you jump start your car during tight situations, like being late for an event, not being able to call anyone, or not having roadside assistance. At a glance, it doesn’t look like to much, but when the time comes when you really need it, you’ll be glad you have it.

If for some reason your car isn’t starting up just take out the Startmeup2 and plug it into the cigarette lighter. It usually takes 5 minutes for your car batter to gain the necessary “juice” to start up, however, sometimes it can be done in as little as 3 minutes depending on how low the car battery is.

One thing that makes Statmeup2 an excellent buy is that it doesn’t have to be charged up. Due to the fact that it is an item intended for emergencies it is meant to be used once, and is why it is so small and compact. Some people may not like this, but it takes 20 to 30 minutes to charge up conventional 50 pound car battery starters and can cost up to $100 to buy one. This is a lot cheaper and more compact, and I can fit under my seat. I did take the Starmeup2 for a test run on my 91’ Honda Civic that I had drained and it jumped it twice, probably due to the fact that the battery still had enough juice to benefit from the small amount of juice that remained in the Startmeup2.

Keep checking back for part 2 of this review.

To purchase the startmeup2 just click any link that is underlined.

Monday, October 22, 2007


To learn more about Startmeup2, simply follow the links or continue to browse my website.

Startmeup2 is a pretty nifty product that will help you out when you accidentally leave your car lights on in the parking lot. Basically, Startmeup2 is like a pair of jumper cables that doesn’t require another car. Startmeup2 has a built in power supply that sends a volt of electricity to your cars battery, instantly jump starting it through the cigarette lighter.

Startmeup2 usually works in no more than 5 minutes. Statistics show that it takes an average auto service vehicle 46 minutes to arrive at your location and help you jump start your car. I would have to agree with this because I have actually had to wait an hour to get my car jumped in more than one occasion. Luckily, I’ve only had to use Startmeup2 once so far, which was when my car died in Yosemite; I do have one more left because I initially bought two. It is great to have, especially during that emergency when you have no signal on your phone while vacationing in a National Park.